——An Open letter—— black color is not bad as many think of it but bright color make them dejected and depressed it.

how a human hates to an another human as he is also one of them as same? only just because of color.. gosh !! seriously I’m sad to see this kind of thinking is spreading and surrounds us that how many people can keep such a futile reflection with them. I mean, after getting so much of knowledge and having sound background, and well awared of all. then why people give so attention to artificial rather than seeing natural one. it’s been from past years. I have been seeing from my childhood to yet that how people do differentiation between the colors. and always talk on people’s shades the most as an issue. ‘like a shit, which they speak from their mouth’. ‘as a hell’. this topic for them is like crispy where they more roast upon it.. I’m very num and upset to see this kinda stuff in in front of me. if someone do differentiation related to color of black people, then I raise my voice to support anyone. Well people say that “We live in a Democratic country. Right!! so we all have equal rights to talk on anything”. So I’m shocked that if you people live with this kinda legacy of thinking then why we people have do hate to each other. Because people have misconceptions and myth that they have a birthright or you can say a provision to talk on shits, huhh!! disgusting. If you have liability or freedom then you should take it this as a right way like as a human to treat each other well and to support and love or to helping poor people. and raise your voice to protect not to attack them. look we all are equal. and everyone has their own shades which is beautiful, think, if all will be in same color then how will we see the differenent type of beauty which are surrounds of us who live within, a variation of color tells and defines the real essence of the beauty of the nation that how colorful we are and blessed to have ‘but some creepy people hates to black color, for no reason’. “God please give some sunshine to those who hates to another human being he is already one of them. really you people don’t understand how they have been feeling. people have to stop their unnecessary thinking of perception, guys do respect and love to each other. Because here’s each and everyone is beautiful and have a wonderful family, friends relatives like us. then why do people let them down? they are human first, neither nasty nor animal. they have emotions too. So people need to change the psychology of the personage itself first, a way of thinking to watch of other people and how to behave them. because it is disaster for our future. if we didn’t swept away this kind of thinking from our society, it cause for the rest. Just think of it, it is also a major problem of our live who surround us always. where an individual human hearts and feels depressed from their color. just because of some ghost kinda people. who do to bullying them. how bad it can be. now we all have to aware of it that this hypocrattce thinking is cause to our society. so we should respect to each other as much as we can. treat them good like as our friends.. just like, “as a mother who love their childrens equally” Well, we people are educated. who even don’t believe in this creepy thoughts. But some people’s thoughts not be like us, feeling upset to see. How humanity is getting away from us With this thinking. and how we human think like this; that he/she is black, he/she is white. he is like this or she is looking like that and so much bluhh!! bluhh!! “I want to ask’, Who gave us this type of right to judge other people. we people judge to other very easily by their cover. before understanding anything else. Why? Is it provision right they have? Lolzz… They perceive everything but except observing the good behavior of the person that how soft and kind heart they have, like us even they are better than us. ‘As they are real crystal, like a diamond. who has inner beauty But Why we don’t see the real essence of the personage. A uniqueness of intelligences. even they are much better than to all of us but because of having black color, we feel to them that they are nasty. Which is worst, like hell. Why people chuckled behind their back…. If we are human then we should have to respect and support to another human by stoping this shrink minds kinda thought’s from their mind who live within. We have to stop this nonsense from our society who have been living within their narrow mind inside in. First, ‘we have to obolish a perception of the black and the white of thinking from our home because the color of Comparision starts from childhood to grow up. Where many people have been facing the issue of color’s complexion through out the years from their birth to present. and nobody is stopping it even they give to them some hues also to increasing. where our elders, family and relatives they always do comparison related to colors. Which does a bad impact on childrens. they learn from their elders, what they said to them. they observe what they perceived in childhood and then they follow them. this mindset of thinking is dangerous for all. which we have been seeing from many. which is not good thing, in a right way. so parents have to tell to thier childrens that no black and no white their is no differentiation of it. “we all are equal and beautiful, and human first”

47 thoughts on “——An Open letter—— black color is not bad as many think of it but bright color make them dejected and depressed it.

  1. Lovely words to which I have no answer and I truly wish I did… Some of my grandchildren are of colour and different religion /cultures we are a mixture in our family everyone is truly loved , we are all equal in our family and among our friends and if that was not the case we would not be friends…I have no answer for you and truly see no end either…a sad world when we cannot live in harmony together 🙂

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    1. nice to listening that a different culture people lives with you. which is your family, really i’m glad to know that you all have a harmony. even after having different colors, which defines a color and culture doesn’t matter. only we people have pure heart and respect for each religion and culture. which represents how healthy your thinking is. which is appreciable. 😇

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    1. so you have to raise your voice to stopping this kind of thinking just have to aware to all and tell them that we are human first. we all are equally same. no the black and no the white is. we are human beings first. which is most important our behaviour should be good to all. we shall respect to all. I wish you share this post as much as you can for awaring.

      quindi devi alzare la voce per fermare questo tipo di pensiero, devi solo rendertene conto a tutti e dire loro che siamo prima umani. siamo tutti uguali. no il nero e no il bianco è. siamo prima gli esseri umani. che è più importante il nostro comportamento dovrebbe essere buono a tutti. dovremmo rispettare tutti. Vi auguro che condividiate questo post il più possibile per la realizzazione.

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